Meet Angie, your Peristeam Facilitator & Ayurvedic Wellness Coach

Hi, I'm Angie! I'm a Yoga teacher, Certified Peristeam Facilitator and Ayurvedic Wellness Coach and I'm on a mission to teach women how to LOVE their bodies through self-care!

I've been learning, experimenting and sharing ancient, feminine self-care rituals and traditions handed down from the indiginous aunties and great grandmothers -- and Yoni Steaming is one of my favorites, together with tracking my cycle and planning with the moon cycle.

Our menstrual cycles do not have to be a painful experience!

Regular yoni steams with the right herbs has changed my experience with my cycle - helping with my long, heavy, painful periods. I've also reconnected with the pleasure and power of my yoni, and I want that for you too!

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